Giving to the Library
Ways to Get Involved!
Would you like to support programming, services, and resources at the library? There are a few options for supporting the library through the Library Endowment Fund, Friends of the Library, Sponsorship, or direct donation.
Endowment Fund
In keeping pace with the community’s needs over the coming years, the library must provide services, resources, education, and opportunities for cultural enrichment. The Board of Trustees of the Monticello-Union Township Public Library has established an Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation of White County in an effort to enhance library services and provide cultural activities to the growing population of Monticello and White County.
Our meeting rooms are heavily used and the community may wish to add a theatre, art studio, music practice room, and more library space. To plan ahead for these services and to have the funds to operate an expanded facility, the Trustees have approved an Endowment Fund goal of $8,000,000 divided into three project areas. The interest would be used to supplement the tax supported budget and enhance library services, not to replace or lower tax support. There are three project funds set up for Adult Services, Children's, and Building and Grounds. The interest from these funds will be used to supplement the tax supported budget and enhance library services, not to replace or lower tax support.
Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Monticello-Union Township Public Library is a nonprofit organization that promotes the knowledge of and advocates for the library’s services and needs. Every year, the Friends hold used book sales to financially support the library. Friends volunteer their time to organize and set up each book sale. Proceeds from the book sales benefit the library through programs, materials, supplies, and technology.
The Friends have set up their organization with AmazonSmile and Kroger to receive donations when you shop and make purchases at these participating stores. Simply shop at the link and login or create a new account then select Friends of the Monticello-Union Township Public Library from the selection of organizations to support. For the Kroger community rewards, you will need to visit and login with your account or create a digital account linked to your Kroger card, then search for the Friends of the Monticello-Union Township Public Library enter the NPO number DP248 to add and save them to your account.
A brochure explaining more about the Friends group is available at the circulation desk or you can download a copy here. Become a Friend, Get Involved!
Sponorship and Donations
Businesses and individuals can provide support for programs, services, and resources through sponsorship or direct donation. The Library welcomes sponsorship from local businesses, corporations, families and individuals. Generous support from our sponsors helps the Library in its mission to provide programs and services, which benefit the entire community. Your monetary donation will help with technology needs, and extra supplies and materials for our regular programs such as story times, movie nights, painting classes, teen cooking and special programming. There are levels of sponsorship and recognition received for each monetary donation.
If you would like to learn more about any of these types of donations or have questions, please contact the Library Director at 574-583-2665 ext 3303 or email